This election season, "Good Morning America" asked Americans to tell us "Why It Matters." We want to know what issues are inspiring people to head to the polls and participate in our democratic process for this year's midterms. Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream co-founder Ben Cohen is one of many voices who told us "Why It Matters."
The issue: The economy
Ben & Jerry's co-founder Ben Cohen, a liberal Democrat, is focused on the economy this election, telling "GMA" the issue he cares about the most this election is the distribution of wealth in America.
"Trying to get more money into the hands of people who need it as opposed to corporations and the 1 percent," Cohen said. "That last tax cut was a real shift of money from people who don't have much, to people who've got gobs of it and don't really need any more," Cohen said. "So we need to undo that."

What's at stake
Cohen, along with Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield, are outspoken supporters of progressive candidates and issues. In 2016, they came up with a flavor called "Bernie's Yearning" for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. In September, they announced seven new specialty ice cream flavors for progressive candidates running for Congress in 2018 — a partnership with the liberal PAC
"We need a Democratic majority to check President Trump’s unrestrained power. And we also need to send progressive champions to Congress who will fight for health care as a human right, protect clean air and water and get big money out of politics," they said in a statement on Move On's website.
For Cohen, voting for candidates that stand for these issues is the key to regaining political control and getting "our country back," he told "GMA."
"Voting is the only way that we're going to get our country back," Cohen said. "I sincerely believe the only reason why we're in the fix we're in is because good-hearted people did not get their butts ... off the couch."
"You've got to vote, it's the least you can do," Cohen said.
Send “GMA” your Why It Matters video about which issues inspires you to vote and explore our midterms coverage.