Why it Matters: Adam Rippon says voting is important because 'we all deserve to have the same opportunities'
This election, "Good Morning America" asked Americans to tell us "Why It Matters." We want to know what issues are inspiring people to head to the polls and participate in our democratic process for this year midterms. Here, Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon shares why it is important to him to get out and vote.
The issue: Equality
Equality is an issue Americans need to pay attention to this year, according to Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon.
The bronze medalist, who is openly gay and earned the nickname "America's Sweetheart" during the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, added that as a nation we are doing our best when we "come together" and "raise each other up."
"If we are in a position to help raise each other up, then we should do that because when we come together, when we raise each other up," he told "GMA." "That is when we are being our best."
Equality is "so important to me" because "no matter where you come from, no matter what your background is, we all deserve to have the same opportunities," Rippon said.
"We need to look within our own communities." Rippon added. "We need to see people who are struggling, who feel like their voice isn’t being heard, and if we have that opportunity to be the voice for those people, we can do that. We can be someone’s champion."
We can be someone’s champion.

'All it takes is just one person to inspire another, to inspire another, and that’s how we make change.'
Rippon also talked about the importance of voting, and said it is how you can "make a difference."
He shared a message to those who chose to sit this election out: "To someone that’s not voting, you are missing such an amazing opportunity to help make a difference within your community, within your country."