The common stroller mistake parents everywhere are making

It's a common conundrum in the heat of summer: How do you protect your baby from harmful rays when the stroller top doesn't completely cover them?
Some parents and caregivers will throw a thin blanket over top the stroller to shade the baby. But it turns out this common practice could be quite dangerous because it can trap the heat.
The couple behind "Channel Mum" on YouTube decided to do their own test to see just how how hot it can get in a stroller covered by even the thinnest of blankets or cloths. Although this is not a scientific test, the simple temperature measurements are startling.
In the video, which Channel Mum shared with "Good Morning America," a baby doll is placed inside a stroller in the sun.
When the stroller is open -- meaning without a blanket cover -- the temperature registers 30 degrees Celsius, which is 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
After just seven minutes of being covered, the temperature in the stroller registered at 95 degrees.
A pediatrician working with the ABC News Medical Unit gave her take to "GMA."
Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez said that while she has never seen a baby injured as a result of a blanket used to cover the stroller, the fast rise in temperature "absolutely" can happen and could potentially result in heatstroke.
"The air basically stops flowing and the stroller becomes a greenhouse in a way," Bracho-Sanchez said.
"Most parents out there are using common sense and frequently checking on their babies," she said. "This is nevertheless a good reminder and an opportunity to talk about something that is easy to prevent."
Prevention, she said, is the key to keeping baby safe in the summer sun.
"Try not to be out in the heat if you can help it and, if you are out, try to be in the shade," Bracho-Sanchez added. "If you need to be outside, you should also check on the baby every few minutes, specifically looking for flushed cheeks, sweating, changes in breathing patterns. If a baby is starting to flush, sweat profusely, or have changes in his or her breathing pattern, move into air conditioning and give fluids as soon as you can."
In addition to not covering your baby's stroller with a blanket, Bracho-Sanchez reminded parents not to leave the stroller out in the sun, as different parts of the apparatus can overheat and could burn the baby.
(Editor's note: This story was originally published on August 7, 2018.)