77-year-old calls great-grandson her 'hero' after he rushed to help after fall
A great-grandmother in Colorado is calling her great-grandson her "hero" after the 3-year-old braved the darkness to retrieve her phone after she fell in her backyard.
"I call him my hero and he says, 'No G.G. [short for great-grandmother], I'm Bridger,' so he doesn't get it but he really is a hero to me," Sharon Lewis told "Good Morning America."
Lewis told "GMA" she and her great-grandson Bridger were walking toward her house one evening in late February when she tripped and fell, hitting her head on a cement step.
"When I hit my head, the first thing Bridger said was, 'Are you OK, G.G.?' And I said, 'Yes, I'm OK.' And he said, 'There's a lot of [blood].' … And then we started hollering for the neighbor but that didn't work," Lewis recalled.

Lewis said she realized her only hope would be to call 911 but her phone was in her car in the driveway and sunlight was fading.
"I said, 'So Bridger, you're going to have to be a big boy and go out to the car and get G.G.'s phone,' And he said, 'It's really dark, G.G.,'" Lewis recounted. "I said, 'It'll be OK. Jesus will help you. Don't be afraid.'"
Lewis' home security camera footage caught Bridger on his mission, saying out loud, "Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid," as he made his way to the car and opened the driver side door.
"I went out -- right there – and I was so scared!" Bridger said in a video message shared with "GMA."
After Bridger retrieved his great-grandmother's phone and returned to her side, Lewis said she was able to phone her daughter, who contacted a neighbor and called 911. First responders later rushed Lewis to a local hospital where she received treatment.
Lewis said if Bridger hadn't been with her at the time, it could have been a "very different outcome."
"I couldn't get up and I couldn't crawl anywhere. I couldn't do anything," the 77-year-old said. "And if he hadn't been there, I probably would have just laid there for a very long time."